Monday, April 28, 2008

Drawing for a Drawing

Last night I watched August Rush again, my new favorite movie. After the kids went to bed I felt the creativity flowing out of my fingertips and was inspired to pick up a pencil and draw. It was really enjoyable and this drawing is the end product. I would love to give it away, so let's do a drawing for the drawing. If you are interested just leave a comment. Wednesday night I will put all the names in a bowl, draw a winner, and I will mail the drawing to you. (This is where I get a little nervous and hope there are people actually reading my blog...) The drawing is done in pencil on soft gray paper and is 8 by 81/2 inches. I have wanted to do this for a while and love giving stuff away, so if it works we'll be on to something.


Tricia said...

hi emily. i have visited a few times here and thought now would be a great time to say "hi." i LOVE your work! i am amazed at the talent you and your sister have. i started drawing some last year, trying to incorporate more of myself into my journaling.
i am not very good but it makes my heart just sing so i will keep practicing. :)

Julie said...

Whoo hoo! Free art! (Pick me, pick me, pick me!)

Kristin said...

hi! I just love your artwork. i show my girls all of your paintings and they are inspired! LOVE it! Thank you for sharing your talents :)

Chandra said...

Emily, you know I'm your favorite. Put ONLY my name in the hat! Just kidding. Just pick my name! My mom will be so jealous! mmmhhhahaha I ABSOLUTELY love these pieces you've been making Em, you are truly an amazing artist!

IronLawGirl said...

oh, how fun!!!!!
pick me!!!!
pretty please?!?!

Katie O’Keefe said...

Hi Emily!
Well...I guess you know that people are reading your blog!
Love you work. I came to you through your sister's blog and I am so glad I did.
I hope you pick me!

Cassandra Barney said...

April Rush?! Can siblings enter?

Kat said...

Can cousins enter too? And I do LOVE that movie as well. Defintely a new favorite.

Crystal said...

Ha! I have enjoyed perusing your blog and posted a little link to you recently. Hopefully my 3 readers will visit you and be as inspired as I was.

Deanna said...

Weird strangers are reading your blog. I peek often because I got to yours from Cassie's blog. (I live in the ward so I'm weird but not so much strange. Your mom even visit teaches me.) I'm being brave coming out of my secret shell to reveal that yes, I read your blog. I'm willing to admit that because the drawing got to me.

Laura Mayer said...

now you are so famous...I remember our days at Waterford in the art room..Miss Mayer would love to have your fancy drawing...pick me!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am in for the drawing - if I win I will give you the "Championship!"

Nicholas said...

Well, what can I say after all that! Who wouldn't want to read your blog?! I'm sure you have a lot more fans than you know.

My dad, whom you re-met in Youngstown earlier this year, still talks about what an amazing family you all are. I have to agree! You guys rock!

Love your work! Thank you!

Jenn said...

sweet, enter me in!!
Jenn Tolman

Jennifer said...

Emily, Count me in, I love your work and your blog...Your trip to Ohio and the art that followed was such a great entry. Only you and Cassandra will make me part with my money for new art! Your girls fill my bedroom. Thanks for doing this!

Craig Smith said...

Hey EmmyC -
This is Tammy Smith, well, Greene back in the good old days. I just found your blog a few days ago and have loved reading it. You sure have been keeping busy. Your artwork is beautiful - I'm so proud of you! Hope you don't mind if I check your blog now and again. It makes me smile. Keep up the great work.

BrittanyLane said...

I'm such a big fan. Your work really inspires me. I love your apron idea! Can't wait to see it...

megan said...

i want to be enteref into your drawing

ducklips said...

Wow! I am so impressed with how much you have been blogging lately. I love the drawing and that creativity is flowing out of you. I fell into a little slump, but I am going to be working out of it in the next week or so.

I am so glad to be one of you many fans. 19 posts! That's outrageous!

Jeff said...

Hopefully you haven't done the drawing yet! Put us in. JPugh

jennie said...

DANG IT!!! I knew my lack of blog reading lately was going to come back and bite me! Poopie! I hope you have another drawing.

Lorelie Andrus said...

Hi Em!
I just thought I'd be the FIRST to enter the next drawing for a drawing!

Love to you and your precious little girls-- and your handsome, bald man.