Saturday, October 18, 2008


We took the girls to a Weezer show at the Arizona State Fair. I freakin' love Weezer. The highlights of the night were the mini trampoline on stage, Rivers (the one with the sweet mustache) riding on the shoulders of a random, very large man to stroll through the crowd while playing his guitar, and just when she had about lost hope, closing with Delia's favorite Buddy Holly. Angels and Airwaves opened (potty mouths) and another band with Tokyo in the title.  Way fun night.  


IronLawGirl said...

J's M.
Gel us!

Katie O’Keefe said...

Weezer played your State Fair?!
I am SO jealous!

Cody and Sarah said...

What cool parents taking your girls to Weezer. I love weezer. I loved all of your paintings, thanks for having us over to see them. Have fun in Fairfield:)

megan said...

Tokyo Police Club. Reuben just found out that they opened for Weezer today and so now he is so jealous that you guys went. It looks like fun. Weezer always comes through with Buddy Holly. Who would they be without that song?

Tomallama said...

SO jealous! I wanted to go so bad, but it was Family Picture Night at the Sears Studio. Not the Bogle Family, my other side. The Bogles don't do Sears. The pictures were bad enough, but knowing that I was missing Weezer and Tohyo Police Club made it way worse!