Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Remembering the Great Things of God

This painting is for the Museum of Church History and Art's International Art Competition. The theme for the exhibit is "Remembering the Great Things of God."

I remember the day my mom left, Gavin went to work, and I was left alone with my two year old little girl and my two week old baby.  As I ventured downstairs to make lunch for the first time as a mother of two, I was thinking wild thoughts about the craziness babies bring.  I was thinking, "Who in their right minds would choose to have a baby.  Considering the money and time they require.  Considering all the lost opportunities, adventures not taken, ambitions set aside as the world practically stops turning."  I thought the idea must come from on high, divine intervention to override the insanity of voluntarily asking for all this.  

At about this point, I set a sandwich in front of my darling daughter and she looked at me up through her thick long lashes with her big blue eyes.  She didn't say or do anything, just looked at me for a second.  It hit me so hard, it took my breath away and brought instant tears to my eyes.  It was as if the windows of heaven opened through her eyes and poured out its love and light on me.  All I could choke out was, "Oh.  OK."  My question was answered and I understood completely.  

Children are a precious gift.  It is an honor and our privilege to be their custodian for a time.  I want to remember this every day.  I want to feel this every time they look at me.  I want to give them so much love and treat them with the kindness that they deserve as children of our Heavenly Father.  

To serve our children is one of the greatest gifts God has given us.  I hope I captured that remembrance in this painting that I  am calling Windows of Heaven.


Katie O’Keefe said...

Oh, Emily! It's beautiful! And so is the story that goes with it. God bless you!

Life in the circus said...

this is one of the most beautiful paintings I have ever seen. it shows such selflessness and love. again, I think you are an amazing artist and Im grateful I get to visit your blog.

ps your children are beautiful :)

Chandra said...

I am going to print this out and read it everyday. I love you

Vickie said...

It is a beautiful and thoughtful painting. I love the soft colors and all of the gentle details.

Sandy Mastroni said...

Yes Emily You captured it ... the expression of love .
You are such a wonderful , thoughtful painter .

megan said...

beautiful. You know I thought about being passionate about something. I always feel as though I had nothing to be passionate about. I seriously have been thinking about this since I was like 16. Not too long ago while I was playing with Catcher it hit me that my family is what I am passionate about. I loved reading this and getting that reminder

missy s said...

love love love this painting, em. so beautiful. and i'm glad i read that since i was SO frustrated with izzy about 3 minutes ago... so thanks. and btw, i'm loving the long hair you gave yourself in the painting :)

Angela Bentley Fife said...

I finished my painting of my kids for this same show last night....loved seeing it on your blog. I too am so grateful for my miracles that are little girls!

Julie said...


jennie said...

Every now and then, Minnie will say to me, "Mom... (pause, pause, pause) I love you." Then I decide that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of me...

Morgen said...

Hello, I am the mom who met you and your dad and sis in gilbert at a signing. I am totally blown away! I entered into the same competition. But, I didn't take your advice and paint two versions and choose the best one because I have 8 monkeys biting at my ankles all the time. Well, now I know for sure I will not get accepted AGAIN. My competition is just too fierce. (I did take your advice and start a blog.)

VW Family said...

Emily, I just found your blog from goodreads. Such beautiful work you're doing! This particular painting is so touching, it brought tears to my eyes. Such great symbolism for all that motherhood is.
Heidi VW