Friday, October 30, 2009


Totems is for a holiday show at Giacobbe-Fritz with 11"x11" paintings from all their artists.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Puppet Show

I sent Puppet Show off to Washington to be in Howard Mandville Gallery's annual miniature show.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Big Wonderful News

I can't believe it took me so long to post this great news! This summer Gavin and I took a trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico to find a fabulous gallery. (And this is how long it took me to get this gem of a picture off his camera... those old ladies made it so worth the wait.) Not only was it a fun trip (love Santa Fe), but it worked!
Here I am looking so very Georgia O'Keiff outside Giacobbe-Fritz Fine Art Gallery on Santa Fe's renown Canyon Road. The gallery has really fun and nice people that I am excited to work with. It also has a few admirable artists there that I certainly won't mind hanging next to. Hip hip hooray for Santa Fe!