Sunday, August 23, 2009

Entirely Factual

Paper, Scissors
These are works on paper for my show (with my sister, Cass, and my dad) this October in Connecticut. I gessoed watercolor paper, drew with conte and colored pencil, a little oil paint, crackled and glazed. These are what you would call mixed media. They are simple, but I think they will look neat when they are individually matted and framed, hung in pairs.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

If you receive the Ensign (a magazine for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), check me out on page 40, September issue. I may be quoted in over 50 languages...

Monday, August 17, 2009


Every so often I will start a painting with a title in mind. Even more rarely, a title will occur to me mid painting. Though, a great majority of my paintings are painted, varnished, ready to pack up to be shipped out just in time to make it to their destination by the long ago established deadline.... only to be held up in the documentation stage as I desperately grasp for a title. I am in such a position now. These "works on paper" were due two days ago. They are finished and ready to go, ugh!

In my discouragement, I researched (googled) the process of titling paintings. I found a Canadian artist named Robert Genn who said,
"The right title makes a difference as to how a work is seen and understood. Not only are titles a bridge to the viewer, they are also part of the art and need some careful thought."
True enough, but I already knew that. Some practical advice, please. He divided titles into five categories: sentimental, numerical, factual, abstract, and mysterious. I think I tend to go sentimental, but I've been known to give a little mystery to my viewers on occasion. How tempting is numerical. I would feel irresponsible.

Let's use Robert's idea and do a little exercise.

1. Sentimental: Holding the Responsibility of the Village
2. Numerical: Village #3
3. Factual: Village on Woman's Head
4. Abstract: quaker Winter's eve
5. Mysterious: Frank had said it with Candor
I just came up with seven sentimental titles and they all suck. Sentimental, who needs it. No wonder I have a hard time titling, I'm too sentimental. I should try to be a more factual or numerical artist for efficiency sake.

**Update** I went with Village of Devotion Pretty sentimental, blech.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Here is what I am excited about:

I haven't done this in a while, so my list is a little long, but I've narrowed it down to my very favorites. Oh, and none of them are art related, just so you know.
First Day of School
Hip hip hooray! We just finished our third week of school. School is the greatest give anyone could give a mother. I love my alone days, and I love being excited and enthusiastic to welcome them back home. Even my little ezzie is in school this year, 3 days a week for 2 1/2 hours, which is a nice break. Though, she is a fun little buddy to tote around with me, and an excellent studio companion.

Garmin Watch
I love to run so much. I also love stats. This watch has been so much fun to play with. I know my pace, my time, my distance (hello satellites), my altitude, sunrise, sunset, time of day, average pace, lap pace, fastest pace, location on map, heart rate, I could go on. Too much fun.

Total Immersion
My swimming sensei, Laurie, lent me this book. It is so great. I did all sorts of crazy drills, now I am gliding effortlessly through the water. My sensei, who claims blogs are for showing off, keeps telling me she is going to bring a camera to the pool in the morning so I can have a picture to post. Though, I don't think that would have the desired effect.
Oral-B Triumph
My dentist has been recommending this, but I have been afraid. I take my oral hygiene very seriously, but I couldn't make myself go electric. Turns out, it's not so bad. Actually, it feels really good and it's like I just went the dentist every day.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Litho Stones give me Butterflies

Once I got settled in Utah (for our month sojourn) I headed up to my dad's studio where I saw four beautiful, untouched litho stones laying around. I got some fluttery little butterflies thinking about what I could do with one of them. My dad was gracious enough to let me use one, and walk through the process with me step by step. So, I threw all notions of accomplishing any other work out the window. Though I was on vacation, it was perhaps not the wisest choice now that I have deadlines creeping up on me, not to mention the bill that came from the printer. Speaking of printers, my former lithography professor from BYU, the incredibly talented Wayne Kimball printed these for me. I absolutely loved the process, and am pleased with the turn out... hmmm, what litho will I do next summer?

If you make me say it, the image is about taking on the responsibility of children and trying to stay pure and wise and do a respectable job, when you yourself are a bit wicked with weaknesses and imperfections. But, I would rather you didn't make me explain, these things are too hard to put into words.

p.s. Selling some of these would be a good thing for me. Let me know if you are interested. I have 50 and they are priced at $85.